2023 Recap

I always find it fun to look back at the past year and think about where I was, what I thought was going to happen, and what actually happened. Every year I think to myself I know, more or less, how things are going to go. Not the specifics, obviously, but I’m sure I can guess the general shape of it.

I’m 34, so I don’t really know why I keep thinking this.

And yes, I can hear you laughing at me from over there. I’m laughing at myself over here too!

This time last year I started up my freelance writing business in earnest. I have been a freelance writer since 2017, but I was incredibly fortunate in that I never had to go out looking for clients, they always found me. After taking a step back from projects in 2022 to focus on some family matters I was ready to go after things in 2023. I took a course, built my website, and started looking for freelance work. I imagined I would find one or two clients to write regular blog posts for since that is what I have the most experience in.

I was wrong! Go figure.

After a spring of building my brand and putting myself out there I found two opportunities that kept me busy all fall. And I’m so thankful for them! While I had to put my personal website and blog posts on hold, I had so much fun working on these projects. I never dreamed in January that by August I would find such amazing opportunities with incredible people. So what are they?

First, I was hired to build a website for a local day school. The school, and everyone who works there, is just the sweetest. I had so much fun designing a new logo for them, writing copy, and just generally creating an eye-catching website with usable features. I am so glad I was able to help this school and I’m looking forward to watching them grow!

Second, I opened my own alterations business! I know, I know, that is not in the least bit related to freelance writing. Sewing is something I love to do, and I’ve done now for over a decade. I love being able to fix my own clothing or find items at a thrift shop and alter them to fit. It keeps clothes out of the landfill and is a frugal way to live! Over the summer my husband encouraged me to offer my skills to friends and neighbors, so I made a Facebook post doing just that. I thought I might have a few people ask me to hem their pants or sew on a button.

The response was overwhelming y’all!

I didn’t realize how many people wanted a service like this. By the time November rolled around I realized I needed to make my small side-hustle into an official business.

Thus, Thimbles Alterations was born!

It is still a small-ish side hustle that I run out of our spare room. But I have had so many lovely interactions with neighbors and friends-of-friends. I love being able to help others with my skills.

Am I doing what I thought I’d be doing this time last year?

Absolutely not.

Do I love where I’m at now?

Without a doubt.

So what does 2024 hold?


Ok, but for real here are a few of my goals for 2024.

  • Continue to grow my website building and blogging business. I really love freelance writing and would love to take on a few regular clients!
  • Keep up my alterations business. So far I have a steady stream of clients via Facebook and word of mouth. I’d love for it to stay that way!
  • Travel hack! We have a few travel plans this year and I’m paying for most of them with credit card bonuses. I wrote about this briefly last June before our trip to Boston/NYC. I want to keep earning bonuses and travel with my family. On the docket this year so far – Panama City Beach, Syracuse, and a Caribbean cruise.
  • Be present for my kids. They’re 11, 9, and 7 and I absolutely love this stage! One of the things I love best about being a freelancer is that it gives me the freedom and flexibility to be the parent I want to be for them and put them first. As much as I love writing and sewing, I love watching them grow up even more. I know this phase of life is short, they were babies just yesterday for goodness sake! It can be difficult to balance hustling as a freelancer and being a present mom, but I’ve done it before and I know I can continue doing it.
  • Run a 5k. Mid-2023 I started running with the Couch to 5k program. I hate running. But my son is an amazing cross country runner, my husband runs regularly as his preferred exercise, and my little kids have endless energy. I couldn’t be the only family member left behind. So far I don’t love running, and I’m not sure I ever will. But I can already see a huge improvement in my physical fitness and I want to make it to my goal of running a 5k.

I hope your 2023 surprised you in a good way! I’m looking forward to whatever 2024 has in store, even if I look back on this post in January 2025 and laugh.

Oh, and in case you’re interested, here are a bunch of pictures of non-work related things I did this year! I like to have fun too 🙂

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